Eagle Requirement Camp 2024

EAGLE Requirement CAMP 2024
Eagle Requirement Camp is an intensive week-long Scouts BSA Summer Camp program focusing on advancement in many of the specifically-required merit badges for the Eagle Scout rank. Scouts who prior to camp, have completed all the prerequisites for merit badges such as Personal Management, Family Life, etc., may be able to earn several merit badges during the week.
LOCATION: Camp Royaneh, 4600 Scanlon Road, Cazadero, CA
DATES: June 30 - July 6
AGE: Must be 14 before the start of the course AND Star or Life Rank
COST: $700 (includes a 2024 Summer Camp T-shirt and patch)
PRE CAMP MTG: Hosted via zoom on Saturday, May 4 time is TBD
The focus of the camp is advancement however opportunities exist for free-time activities if individual schedules allow. There will be evening campfire programs and fun events planned throughout the week.
The staff includes veteran Scouters with extensive experience as merit badge counselors in Eagle required subject areas.
All Scouts BSA youth must use current merit badge requirements. Make sure merit badge books and merit badge worksheets are up to date.
Per National reccomendation, we are not offering Citizenship in Society
We recommend that scouts work on no more than 4 eagle required merit badges.
Partial blue cards and merit badges are acceptable and not included in the four badges above.
have completed 8th grade and be at least age 14
have already achieved Star Scout or Life Scout rank
Read your Merit Badge book(s) before bringing them to camp
Bring a Blue Card for each Merit Badge to camp, each signed by your Scoutmaster
In order to complete those merit badges requiring 90 days or 13 weeks of documentation, Scouts should have started the process during the month of March
If you plan to complete the following merit badges at camp, the prerequisites must be completed before camp
Citizenship in the Community
Req. #2: bring a MAP of your community and be prepared to chart your local or state government.
Req. #3: attend a meeting of your city, town, or county council or school board; OR attend a municipal, county, or state court session.
Req. #5: watch an appropriate movie and bring permission slip of parental approval for same at camp.
Req. #7: bring evidence of completion of service hours and research on organization
Req. #8: be prepared to give your public presentation in camp (such as a video, slide show, speech, digital presentation, or photo exhibit).
Citizenship in the Nation
Req. #2: choose two, be prepared to discuss by visiting, taking tours, obtaining materials.
Req. #3: bring 5 days of a major daily newspaper in order to cover a national issue and be prepared to discuss or your notes from national news broadcasts.
Req. #6: come prepared with a copy of the speech you will discuss.
Req. #8: send letter to congressman, bring a copy to camp.
Citizenship in the World
Req. #7: be prepared to discuss with merit badge counselor (depending on which two you choose to do).
Req. #1: bring your log or journal and notes.
Req. #4: an interview. Have you interviewed someone? Come prepared to share that interview in a MB session. You may choose to interview a staff member at camp. You must show evidence of preparation in written form.
Req. #5: did you attend a public meeting? Approved by your counselor? Bring proof of your attendance (an agenda from the meeting or a budget or report copy or past minutes approved at the meeting) and bring your notes for your report on the topics covered.
Req. #7, 7b and 7c: bring a copy of your letter or start the web page desired info about your chosen field to camp.
Family Life
Req. #3: bring evidence of completion and your 90-day family duty/chore log.
Req. #4: bring evidence of completion of family project w/signatures and your report.
Req. #5: bring evidence of completion of personal project w/signatures and your report.
Req. #6: bring evidence of completion of family meetings.
Personal Fitness
Req. #1: (a) bring a copy of your most recent physical exam. (b) bring proof of your recent dental exam and the statement from your dentist.
Req. #6: bring evidence of completion.
Req. #7: bring evidence of completion and your outline.
Req. #8: bring evidence of completion and your 12-week log and your pre-program and post-program results.
Req. #9: be prepared to discuss in camp; bring the required info about your chosen field to camp.
Personal Management
Req. #1: identify family purchase
Req. #2: identify family budget for the family purchase
Req. #5: bring examples of investments to discuss with group (see requirement)
Req. #8: bring the time management tools you use presently, i.e. planner, calendar, or printouts from other devices to document requirement.
Req. #10: be prepared to discuss in camp, bring the required info about your chosen field to camp.
Questions? Contact Program Director Liz Brandon (snebrandon@aol.com)
Camp Royaneh
Sunday 06-30-2024 11:00 AM PT to
Saturday 07-06-2024 9:00 AM PT Past