Diablo Sunrise Spring Camporee 2023
Event Details

Spring Camporee 2023
- When: May 5-7, 2023
- Where: Camp Rancho Los Mochos,
- Theme: Greek Mythology
- Cost: $15 per camper
- Contact: diablosunrise@sonic.net
- Camporee is PATROL-BASED.
- Patrols/units are responsible for their own camping gear, meals/cooking, and transportation.
- On Saturday, patrols will be presented "challenges" (activity stations) in an attempt to win the wreath of an Olympian benefactor, as well as special mythological "side" quests (riddles, scavenger hunt, etc.)
- Activity "challenge" stations are hosted and staffed by each respective unit (ask your SPL or camporee youth committee member for more details).
- Shooting sports (archery, tomahawk, .22 rifle) will be staffed by approved & trained adult range masters.
- The day's events will close with an evening "victory" celebration (campfire program)
- Arrival / Departure:
- Patrols can begin check-in at RLM on Friday @ 4PM.
- Patrols are encouraged to backpack with their gear into their assigned campsite from the drop-off zone.
- A unit leader may shuttle food/stove/patrol-boxes via vehicle to Manzanita camp road if necessary.
- Patrols will hike back to the drop-off zone on Sunday morning following campsite inspection/dismissal.
- Webelos/AOL: Webelos/AOL patrols will have a dedicated age-appropriate camporee program from 9am-9pm, and can register via a dedicated link (coming soon). Webelos/AOL are highly encouraged to participate with their dens as patrols, and should plan to arrive Saturday by 830am for activities.
When & Where
Rancho Los Mochos
Friday 05-05-2023 4:00 PM PT to
Sunday 05-07-2023 12:00 PM PT Past
Friday 05-05-2023 4:00 PM PT to
Sunday 05-07-2023 12:00 PM PT Past
Limit One Registration Per Unit