Golden Gate Area Council - Mission Peak District Merit Badge Extravaganza 2025

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Mission Peak District Merit Badge Extravaganza 2025

Event Details

Merit Badge Extravaganza 2025 (MBeX 2025)

Please read before continuing on to registration.

***Registration Only for Mission Peak District Scouts Until January 17, 2024, 11:59pm***

When: Saturday, February 8, 2025

Where: Centerville Middle School, 37720 Fremont Boulevard, Fremont, CA 94536

Time: Morning Check-In: 8:00am-8:25am; Morning Session Starts at 8:30am.

          Afternoon Check-In: Must be Completed by 12:15pm; Afternoon Session Starts

          at 12:30pm.

Merit Badge Extravaganza would not be possible without the Merit Badge Counselors who have generously volunteered their time and efforts to teach classes.  The organizers thank and acknowledge all Merit Badge Counselors and volunteers that make it possible to hold MBeX 2025. 

MBeX 2025 offers Scouts an assortment of Eagle required and non-Eagle required merit badges to choose from. 

The cost to attend is $25 per Scout.   

There is a morning and afternoon session and Scouts can take a different merit badge in each session.  The morning session is from 8:30am to 11:30am, and an afternoon session from 12:30pm to 3:30pm.  

Lunch is from 11:35am to 12:20pm.  Attendees will be responsible for providing their own lunch.  

List of Merit Badges offered, by session Click Here  Please review the complete schedule and make selections carefully; changes to selections may not be possible once registration is completed. 

Many merit badges require additional work to complete all requirements and to earn the merit badge. Scouts should not expect to complete and earn the merit badge(s) at MBeX 2025.  Scouts will likely “partial” in merit badge(s) taken [only some of the requirements will be completed and signed off].  

Prior to attending the Extravaganza:

  • Scouts are required to obtain the approval of their unit leader to take the merit badge(s) at MBeX 2025.  
  • Prior to attending MBeX 2025, unit leaders are responsible for assigning the Scout to the merit badge(s) on Scoutbook online or to provide signed Blue Card(s) to the Scout. 
  • Scouts must bring either the signed Blue Card(s) or the printed version of the Blue Card(s) from Scoutbook online to MBeX 2025 to get requirements deemed "Completed" signed off. 

Prerequisite Requirements:

  • Please read and follow the prerequisite requirements carefully.
  • Completion of prerequisite requirements is strongly recommended.  In some cases, pre-requisites will be communicated after registration closes.  
  • Whether prerequisite requirement(s) are considered complete is in the discretion of the Merit Badge Counselor.
  • Proof of completion of the prerequisite requirements will need to be presented to the Merit Badge Counselor at MBeX 2025, to get those requirements signed off.
  • Prerequisite requirements are specific to the merit badge counselor teaching the class in each session. 
    • Morning Session Prerequisite Requirements:  Click Here
    • Afternoon Session Prerequisite Requirements:  Click Here


Scouts will likely “partial” in merit badge(s) taken at the Extravaganza; most merit badges require additional work to complete requirements, and to earn the merit badge.

A Guide to the Merit Badge Extravaganza will be published in late January 2025, distributed to all Scoutmasters within Mission Peak District (by email) and published to the Mission Peak District website (  Scouts should review the Guide prior to attending MBeX 2025.  

For any questions or concerns, please email the organizers: Meena Mariwalla ( & Brian Putt (