B.B. Rangemaster Training

Come get trained to run Cub Scout BB Gun Ranges at Council and District events. Shooting Sports are a major highlight in a Cub Scout's life and helping them learn a new skill is very gratifying. We hope you will consider getting trained so you can run ranges safely and effectively.
This is a required training for anyone who will be volunteering as a Cub Scout BB Gun Rangemaster. The Cub Scout Shooting Certification is valid for two years, and participants will be asked to commit to assist with two District or Council events during the time the certification is valid. These events include: District Day Camps, District Camporees; and/or Council/District sponsored Cub Scout Shooting Sports Activities or Cub Camping program events that have a BB gun session such a Webeloree.
No experience required!
Participants need to be registered BSA Adult volunteers, have completed YPT and be at least 18 years of age.
The Training
Training will be conducted in two sessions which include a Zoom classroom session and hands-on training at Camp Herms in El Cerrito where you will get familiar with the range, equipment and practice operating a range session.
You must attend and complete the zoom and hand-on session in order to receive the training certificate.
Wed 9/27/2023 Zoom classroom session 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Sun 10/1/2023 Hands-on session at Camp Herms 8 am – 11 am
Camp Herms is located at 1100 James Pl, El Cerrito, CA 94530. Parking is limited, so please carpool.
Camp Herms is notoriously cold, so dress warmly and in layers!
More about Cub Scout Shooting Sports
BB gun shooting is restricted to District Day Camps, Cub Scout/Webelos Scout Resident Camps, Council-Managed Family Camping Programs, or to Council activities where there are properly trained supervisors and all standards for BSA shooting sports are enforced. BB gun shooting is not to be done at the pack level. BB gun shooting patches and sports pins may only be earned at the camps and activities listed above. These programs are designed to emphasize safety and marksmanship development under the direction of trained range personal using nationally approved instructional method.
QUESTIONS: Paul Lannus plannus@yahoo.com
Council Service Center
Wednesday 09-27-2023
7:30 PM PT to 9:00 PM PT Past
Practical Training
Camp Herms
Sunday 10-01-2023
8:00 AM PT to 11:00 AM PT Past