Webelos Adventure Camp

Webelos Adventure Camp
Click here to watch an informational video on our camp!
Choose Your Adventure
COVID Protocols have been posted below in orange. 7/8/22 Hosted at Camp Royaneh, the Webelos and Arrow of Lights go through program rotations including swimming, nature hikes, sports, craftsman projects, shooting sports and many others. Along with the daytime activities, Adventure Camp offers evening activities including opening campfire, patrol competitions, an overnight outpost camping experience, and an amazing closing campfire presented by the Scouts themselves in our forested amphitheater. Coming to Webelos Adventure Camp will be the camping experience your Webelos and Arrow of Light Scout have been looking for! Adventures will include: BB Gun, Archery, Aquanat, Build It, Outdoor Adventure, Earth Rocks, Webelos Walkabout, Game Design, Sports, Castaway
Session: August 1-6
All Scouts who have completed the 3rd and 4th grades may attend. Scouts Completing 5th grade should have joined a Scout Troop and attend Scout Summer Camp with their Troop.
Please register as a Pack
Fee is $475 per Scout
Fee for those paying June 24 or after is $505
$350 per additional leader (those over the complimentary leader’s ratio below) based on space and availability.
Your Pack receives 2 free leaders for the first 8 scouts. These leaders are considered Pack/Den leaders. All other adults staying the full session will pay $350. Part-time adults will pay a fee of $80 per full day. Part-time adults WILL NOT receive a free-T-shirt. T-shirts will be available at $22 each in the Camp Training Post. We also ask that Part-Time adults come for at least three days to help us maintain a stable camp population.
Each pack is required to maintain a minimum of two leaders in camp, at all times. Parents are encouraged to help in providing leadership. All adults must show Proof of current Youth Protection Training (YPT in last year) and be registered members of the Boy Scouts of America. In addition, the State of California passed AB506 that goes into effect on January 1st, 2022. All registered BSA volunteers, employees, and other volunteers who are 18 years or older and who have direct contact with, or supervision of, children for more than 16 hours a month or 32 hours per year must complete a Live Scan background check and complete online mandated reporter training. Requiring registration, background checks, YPT for adults on Scouts BSA extended activities, and complying with AB506 adds another dimension of protection for our Youth.
Parents and Leaders are responsible for providing transportation to and from camp. Those arriving on Monday or Wednesday should plan to arrive in camp at approximately 10:00AM and departing on Saturday at 10:00AM.
Packs will be assigned campsites according to the size of the group. Accommodations will either be in villages (open air cabin-like structures housing dens of 8), or in two-person tents provided by the Camp. Scouts who attend as provisional (by themselves without adult leadership) will be assigned to dens with other packs. According to BSA policy, youth and adults must be housed separately.
Nutritious meals will be provided by our qualified cook and kitchen staff and served in our spacious dining hall. Meals begin with lunch on first arrival day through breakfast on Saturday. Please let us know if you have any food allergies.
Provisional campers are those Scouts who are attending without any pack adult leadership. Provisional campers will be formed into dens or placed with an attending pack depending on camp sign-ups. An additional $40 fee is required for provisional campers.
Annual Health and Medical Record Parts A, B, and C required. This form can be found here. Part C requires an examination by a certified and licensed physician.
Additional COVID screening requirements:
You will be greeted by our check in team at our redwood archway. To enter camp, you must produce proof of a negative covid test (over the counter is approved) for every person in the vehicle. Including the driver who is not staying during the week. This test must be taken within 24 hours of arrival.
You may show proof in one of two ways: 1) photos downloaded onto a single person's phone of every individual in that car. The photo must contain the negative test result and a handwritten note next to the result with the person's name and the date & time the test was taken. 2) printed pictures of the negative test result with the person's name and the date & time the test was taken written on the document. If a single person has forgotten to take their test, the entire car will not be permitted to enter camp until a negative test is procured. No proof of vaccination status is required.
Punch Cards can be purchased during on-line registration in increments of $20 per card for use in the Camp Trading Post. We recommend $20-$40 for young Scouts to spend at camp.
Camp Royaneh
Monday 08-01-2022 12:00 PM PT to
Saturday 08-06-2022 12:00 PM PT Past