Virtual Adult Class: Advancement for Troop Leaders March 26

Grand Canyon Council Virtual Class
Advancement for Troop Leaders and Parents
Date: March 26
Time: 9:00am - 12noon AZ time
Fee: $5
The purpose of this adult class is to cover BSA and Grand Canyon Council policies and procedures for advancement in the Scouts BSA program. It is an ideal class for existing unit leaders and committee members, soon to be unit leaders or committee members and those who are responsible for administering advancement for a troop. It is also a good class for Parents who want a fuller understanding of Scouts BSA advancement. This class goes beyond what is taught in the BSA online training.
Some of the subjects we will cover:
- New soon to be Eagle Required Citizenship in Society Merit Badge
- New Life to Eagle Process
- BSA and Council policies and advancement procedures
- Advancement under Covid pandemic conditions (any changes in requirements)
- Rank Advancement Strategies
- Unit advancement activities (requirements and policies surrounding)
- Troop Boards of Review (process and policies surrounding)
- Extensions to earn Eagle
- Scoutbook advancement recording
- Resources available to troops
- Merit Badge and Merit Badge Counseling process and policies (this class will credit you for MBC training)
- Example advancement situations you may encounter at the troop level
This is a virtual class. Registrants will be sent a Zoom link to participate remotely.
The textbook to this class is the Guide to Advancement which is available free at this link.