Grand Canyon Council - 2023 OA Member's Service Projects & Winter Brotherhood @ Heard Scout Pueblo

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2023 OA Member's Service Projects & Winter Brotherhood @ Heard Scout Pueblo

Event Details


OA Members Project and Brotherhood




On Saturday December 2 we will be at the Heard for the monthly LEC meeting, undertaking various service projects and ending the day with the last Brotherhood opportunity for 2023. Cost for the day is just $10 which includes dinner. If you are going through your Brotherhood, there is an additional cost of $20 to cover your new sash.


10am - LEC
Lunch (on your own)
1pm-5pm - Service Projects
5:30pm - Dinner (provided)
6:30pm - Brotherhood check-in
7pm - Brotherhood walk


Please bring a water bottle, work clothes and gloves for the projects after the LEC meeting. For those participating in the Brotherhood walk, please make sure to also bring a flashlight or headlamp as well as your letter to the lodge secretary.

Brotherhood candidates who are not attending the LEC should plan to arrive by 1pm to participate in the service projects. You must have completed your ordeal at the March 2023 Heard Ordeal (or earlier) to be eligible for Brotherhood.

To help with everyone's health and safety, there will be no walk ups for this event.

When & Where
2023 OA Members Projects & Winter Brotherhood
Heard Scout Pueblo
Saturday 12-02-2023
6:30 PM MST to 9:00 PM MST Past
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