2021 NYLT Session #1 at Camp Geronimo
Event Details

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
Dates: May 24-30, 2021
Location: Camp Geronimo
This course is available to all Scouts BSA and Venturing youth, male or female, aged 13 or over before the first day of the course.
Comprehensive information on NYLT may be found at www.grandcanyonbsa.org/nylt
The following dates are also available:
NYLT Winter Course -December 27, 2021-January 1, 2022 at the Heard Scout Pueblo
Click here to apply for a campership. Campership applciations should be submitted no later than 6 weeks prior to the event.
When & Where
NYLT (2020 #1)
Camp Geronimo
Monday 05-24-2021 12:00 PM MST to
Saturday 05-29-2021 5:00 PM MST Past
Camp Geronimo
Monday 05-24-2021 12:00 PM MST to
Saturday 05-29-2021 5:00 PM MST Past