Ozark Trails Council - Pintwood Derby 2021

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Pintwood Derby 2021

Event Details

Pintwood Derby 2021

Indian Springs Brewing Company & Nah Ka Ga Hah BSA 109 E Main St. Neosho Mo

Chairman: Mitch Jarvis


Race information

Saturday April 17th, 2021

2 pm

Cost $50

We have sponsorships available:

$2500 Eagle Sponsor ______

$1000 Life Sponsor _______

$500 Star Sponsor ________

$250 Scout Sponsor _______

$150 Friends of Scouting Sponsor___________

Proceeds benefit local scouting in the Ozark Trails Council, Nih-Ka-Ga-Hah District including Newton ,McDonal, Barry, Lawrence ,Jasper Counties


Dear Racer,

Thank you for purchasing your entry into the first ever Adults only Pintwood Derby presented by Indian Springs Brewing Company for local Scouting programs!  Stay tuned in to their Facebook page Indian Springs Brewing Company and these pages  Ozark Trails Council Boy Scouts of America, Nih Ka Ga Hah District, Ozark Trails Council  for additional event details. 

You can pickup  your pinewood derby car kit along with the list of rules and regulations for event from Mitch Jarvis at the United Methodist Christian Life Center, 1111 N Bus I49, or at the intersection of Baxter Street and Mo State Highway 86. 417-451-2310 or thejarvi@hotmail.com

If you need the kit mailed let us know. Small cost for shipping

Please pay particular attention to the specs of the car.

If you are unable to build a car, but would still like to race, fill out application as normal and contact Wade Hall at 417-827-4580.

We look forward to seeing you at the track! CHEERS! 

Tentative schedule of events for the Pintwood Derby: 

Saturday, April 17th Indian Springs Brewing Company

2 PM Car Check In (Upon check-in you will get your ticket for your FREE pint glass and your first pint of beer. (Only one free pint per person)   (Pint Tickets must be redeemed the day of the event.)

3 PM Bragging Rights Races Begin followed by Qualifying Races and then the Championships. 

5 PM (or whenever races are completed) Awards





Width — 2 3/4″

Length — 7″

Weight — Not over 5 ounces

Width between wheels — 1 3/4″

Bottom clearance between car and track — 3/8″

Wheel base (space between the front and back wheels) can not be altered from the pre-cut dimensions.

Wheel bearings, washers and bushings are prohibited.

The car shall not ride on springs.

Only official Cub Scout Grand Prix Pinewood Derby wheels and axles are permitted. The car must use all four wheels and nails provided with the kit. 

Only dry lubricant is permitted.

The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting devices.

Each car must pass inspection, the owner will be informed of the reason for failure, and will be given time within the official weigh-in time period to make adjustment.

After final approval, cars will not be re-inspected or handled unless the car is damaged in handling or in a race.




Do you have the fastest car in your industry? CHALLENGE YOUR PEERS/COMPETITORS! 

Industries with 4 or more cars will race for bragging rights with their peers. IE: Bankers, Restaurants, Doctors, Educators, Lumber Companies, Realtors, Politician, etc. 


All cars will race once on each lane of the track as a part of the qualifying races. Race times will be computer averaged and the top 12 cars will move on to the championship round! Those that do not make it past the qualifying round, better luck next year. 


The top 12 cars from qualifying races will move on to the championship round which will be conducted the same way as the qualifying races; one race on each lane of the track with finish times being average.  

**Scoring is based on a computer-generated average of your four runs (one on each lane of the track) in each of the different categories of races. 

**Prizes will be given out for the top 3 cars in the championship race and also to the Best Beer Inspired Car.


2021 Official Pintwood Derby Rules and Regulations



PARTS AND MATERIALS: Each participating person is to build a their car by using

the official pinewood derby car kit (BSA Part #17006). Official pinewood derby car kit given to you.

weights, and other optional accessories and kits may be purchase from Boy Scouts of America approved

distributors, the Ozark Trails Council Service Center (Springfield Mo), or www.scoutstuff.org.

WIDTH: Maximum overall width allowable, including wheels, is 2 ¾ inches.

LENGTH: Maximum overall length allowable is 7 inches. No portion of the car will be allowed to extend

forward of the starting gate.

CLEARANCE: Minimum clearance under the body is 3/8 of an inch. Minimum clearance between the

inside of the wheels is 1 ¾ inches.

WEIGHT: Weight cannot exceed 5.00 oz (141.75 grams). The car may be hollowed out and built up to the

maximum weight by additional wood, metal or any other material, provided they are securely attached

to the body and chassis. No loose material of any kind is permitted in or on the car including, but not

limited to, liquids. Materials that could potentially be health hazards are not permissible to be used as

weight. Lead is permissible for weight provided that it is completely enclosed within the body of the car. Do not add any objects below body of car, it might drag on track. Recess the weight.

MATERIAL: The car body, wheels, and axles must be from the official pinewood derby car kit (BSA Part

#17006). The car may not ride on any type of springs. Details such as decals, pin stripes, cockpit

accessories and interior detailing are permissible as long as the car does not exceed the maximum

weight and they are BSA standard products. Plastic and metal detail parts are allowed as long as they

are securely attached to the body and chassis and do not exceed the maximum length, width, and


WHEELS: Wheels must be from the official pinewoods derby car kit (BSA Part #17006_ or from the new

optional colored Cub Scout derby wheels and axle kit (BSA Parts #17553, 17554, 17556 and 17557) and

maybe polished using files, sandpaper, etc, or by using the pinewood derby high performance kit (BSA

Part #16988) to remove burrs, scratches, and ridges. They may not be shaved or reduced in diameter or

width. Wheels may not be beveled, tapered or in any other fashion modified from the original size and

shape. Wheels may not be painted. Wheel covers, bearings, washers, and bushings are strictly


AXLES: The axles (round head nails) must be from the official pinewood derby car kit (BSA Part #17006)

or from the new optional colored Cub Scouts derby wheels and axles kit (BSA Parts #17553, 17554,

17555, 17556, and 17557) and may be polished using files, sandpaper, etc. or by using the pinewood

derby high performance kit (BSA Part #16988) to remove burrs, scratches and ridges. The axles may not

be machined or reduced in diameter anywhere along the axle shaft. Substituted axles will not be


LUBRICATION: Pinewood derby axle lube (BSA Part #17106) and dry graphite are the ONLY permissible

lubrication. All other forms of lubricant (oils, etc.) are strictly prohibited. Any lubrication on exposed

surfaces of the wheels, body or chassis is prohibited. Lubricant, if used, must be applied prior to

inspection and registration of the car. No lubrication is permitted after registration or during the derby.

INSPECTION: The car must meet weight, clearance, and size limitations as stated above and use only the

materials specified in the parts and materials sections above. A repair table may be made available to

adjust prior to registration. A car with illegal parts may have them replaced and will be allowed to

participate in the race with only legal parts. Any car using illegal lubricants will not be allowed to


DISQUALIFICATION: Per the judge(s) or race official(s), a car or scout will be disqualified and not allowed

to race if any of the following occur:

1. Any use of improper material as outlined above, including, but not limited to: lubricant, wheels,

axles or body wood.

2. Changing the car after registration, except for authorized repairs.

3. Removing the registration sticker from the car.

4. Handling any car without permission of the judges or race official(s).

5. Not following the instruction of the judge(s) or race official(s).

6. Not following any other rule specified for the pinetwood derby.

HANDLING: Only the person who has entered the car or a race official may handle cars being raced.




Registration information needed:


Date of Birth:________________________

Cell phone:________________________

Email: ____________________________________________




Donation Level:

 $2500 Eagle Sponsor _____ 

$1000 Life Sponsor _______

$500 Star Sponsor ________

$250 Scout Sponsor _______

$50 –_____________________Car and 1 Free Pint


When & Where
Pintwood Derby Race
Indian Springs Brewing Company
Saturday 04-17-2021
2:00 PM CT to 5:00 PM CT Past
More Information